What is Political Correctness?
PC is easier to identify than it is to define.
It is an
attitude more than it is a philosophy. The attitude is easy to adopt. No
thinking is necessary. No introspection or reflection is required. The attitude
is handed down to PC believers fully formed.
A Hollywood insider,
quoted in the Radoshes’ Red Star OverHollywood could have been describing PC Hollywood, when he described his
relationship with the communist party [my substitution of “PC” for communist
party]: “when I joined [PC] I was handed ready-made friends, a cause, a faith
and a viewpoint on all phenomena…. I learned the [PC] view… on everything under
the sun. An airtight, ready-made worldview came along with [being PC].”
That’s the essence of PC—it’s so easy to be PC. No
thinking required. No need to deal with messy evidence and conflict, debate and
discussion. The PC powers have spoken, case closed. Debate is over, time to
Do you think that Leonardo DiCaprio is really a climatescientist? Or does he just accept the PC “the science is settled”? Is Sean Penn
really a social worker? Or is he just channeling the PC point of view? Is
Michael Moore really an expert on health care? Or is he just spouting the
ready-made, America-sucks, PC point of view?
Health care expert? Or just a piggish PC-Prog? |
PC, at its heart, is a hatred of all things traditionally
American. Its credo, if it had an overt credo, might be: “America sucks. Living straight
white American men suck. Dead straight white American men suck. America
is bad. America
is imperialist. America
is racist. America
is homophobic. America
hates foreigners. Rich people suck (see special dispensations below). American
tradition sucks. American history sucks. American morality sucks. American
taboos suck. Rich white American males suck really hard.”
Implicit in the attitude/definition is the requirement
that PC believers must be dedicated to “changing” America. So for each of the
“…sucks” credos above, there is a corresponding “change” that PC-Progressives
seem to believe is required.
Note that “American” is inserted in most of the credo’s
beliefs. It may be better to substitute “traditional American” instead of
American, because some American straight white males are okay. For example, Al
Gore is PC-approved, so is Bill Ayers. John F. Kennedy is PC-approved. John
Kerry is PC-approved. Eminem is PC-approved.
PC Approved Straight White Male |
Straight white non-Americans are more likely to be
PC-approved than not, but it’s a bit tricky. If they have a cute accent, like
an Aussie or a Brit, they’re probably okay—see Julian Assange, for example. Italian,
French, Dutch, German, and most Russian, straight men are probably okay. This
is a tricky business for the PC doyens, so it’s best to check with an
expert—like any American student under 21. They instinctively know who’s okay,
and who isn’t.
At the same time, some minority Americans are deemed to
be PC-traitors, or maybe “honorary straight white males” for the purposes of
PC-hate targeting. Thus, Clarence Thomas is considered a straight white male.
Condoleezza Rice is considered the same as a straight white male. Sarah Palin is a straight white male.
Honorary Straight White Male--to PC-Progs |
Rich people can get a special dispensation from the PC
arbiters. If they are not white, that is an automatic PC pass. If they are
scummy, rich minority rap stars (or white rap stars who act ghetto) with lots
of tattoos and felony convictions, they have a permanent pass into the upper
echelons of PC society. If they are scummy, rich minority athletes (or white
athletes who act ghetto) with lots of tattoos and felony convictions, they too
have a permanent pass to PC society.
If they are straight white males, they can be given a PC
pass if they give a lot of money to PC causes (AIDS, hunger in Africa,
Democrats, global warming, recycling, and abortion) and/or if they publicly
denounce Republicans, straight white men, or anything related to traditional America.
An ethnological study of PC society is long overdue.
invite anthropologists to begin such a study so that the next edition of this
book can include a more scholarly treatment of the question, “What is PC?”
Not PC
To end this attempt at defining PC, it would be best to
provide a few examples of things that are not
The Boy Scouts of America Oath:
On my honor I will do my best to do my
duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; to help other people at
all times; to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally
Christian wedding vows:
In the name of Jesus, I ___ take you,
___, to be my (husband/wife), to have and to hold, from this day forward, for
better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love
and to cherish, for as long as we both shall live. This is my solemn vow.
American patriotism—God
bless America!
Believing that life begins at conception and that killing
a pre-born human is murder.
Using firearms to protect yourself.
Using firearms to hunt cute bunnies and other furry
Using firearms for anything except rounding up haters.
The Republican Party.
The Tea Party.
American conservatives.
Anyone or anything that indicates belief in traditional America
or traditional American values.
Anyone who is in favor of enforcing immigration laws, or
enhancing the legal protection of America with more strict
immigration laws or enforcement.
You can likely add more examples to this list.
PC is a
silent censor of our public and private discourse, and even thoughts. The PCThought Police are nearly here.